Terms and Conditions

IATEFL reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. This page will always hold the most up-to-date version (last updated: 4 July 2025).

Download a PDF version of these terms and conditions

58th IATEFL Conference and Exhibition Terms and Conditions

These are the terms that govern attendance at, and/or participation in, the 57th IATEFL International Conference, Exhibition and Pre-Conference Events (PCEs). By booking for the conference the registered participant is agreeing to these terms, which form a legal contract between IATEFL and the registered participant under United Kingdom law. If you are booking on behalf of another delegate, it is your responsibility to ensure that the person attending is aware of, understands and accepts these terms.

1. The IATEFL Conference

a. Payment of the conference and/or PCE fees entitles you to admittance to the sessions on the days and times you have booked and paid for. All other costs associated with your attendance (including, but not limited to, any travel and accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you; IATEFL is not liable for such costs.
b. Entrance to the exhibition area is free of charge.
c. IATEFL reserves the right to alter any or all aspects of the conference (including, but not limited to, the conference name, content, programme, presenters, venue, date and time) without liability to delegates for expenses that may have been incurred. In such circumstances IATEFL will endeavour to notify all participants as quickly as possible to avoid participants incurring costs, such as for accommodation and travel, all of which IATEFL is not liable for.
d. IATEFL also reserves the right to move the event onto a virtual platform should it decide, or be advised, that running the event face-to-face is not possible, safe or practicable in its judgement. In such circumstances IATEFL will endeavour to notify all participants as quickly as possible to avoid participants incurring costs, such as for accommodation and travel, all of which IATEFL is not liable for. In the circumstance of you attending or presenting via a virtual platform,
1. IATEFL is not liable for any technical problems you may have during the event.
2. You will be provided with a recording of the event if one is made.
3. Whilst every effort will be made to provide a stable and effective experience for virtual delegates, IATEFL cannot guarantee that technical issues will not arise during the event, but will endeavour to reduce these to a minimum and resolve any issues as they arise. IATEFL cannot be held liable for any delegate plans, commitments or activities which may be affected as a result of unintended technical difficulties during the event.
e. Any opinion, idea or information given within an IATEFL event by a speaker or other participant should not be necessarily regarded as factual, and does not represent the views of IATEFL, its staff, volunteers or trustees.

2. Booking & Attendance

a. To receive the early bird discount, booking and full payment must reach IATEFL no later than 16:00 (UK time) on 8 January 2025. The conference fees and PCE fees will both increase to the standard rate from this point.
b. The deadline to book online for the conference and PCEs is 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025. Any bookings not made by this time must be made and paid for onsite at the Registration Desk.
c. Bookings made online can be paid for either online, by bank transfer, or by calling IATEFL Head Office. It is also possible to pay for your online booking onsite at the Registration Desk.
d. Any payments made in advance of the conference must reach IATEFL before you arrive at the conference venue. If your payment is not received by IATEFL by this time, you may be charged again on arrival at the conference venue.
e. Payment of conference fees must be made in full before admittance to any conference sessions or events. Any additional bank charges incurred in making payment for the conference are the liability of the delegate attending.
f. If a company or institution is paying on behalf of a delegate, it is the delegate’s responsibility to ensure payment is made in time.
g. If you wish to benefit from the member discount you must hold a valid membership at the time of your booking and payment. Refunds of payments made in error using non-member rate fees will not be issued.
h. If you book for individual days and subsequently find that the price of the full conference is cheaper please contact IATEFL Head office, before you make payment, to amend your booking.
i. If you have booked for individual days, you will only be able to attend sessions and events on the day(s) you have booked for. If you would like to attend an additional day, please contact IATEFL Head Office before 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025. Any amendments after this time will need to be completed and paid for onsite.
j. The details you supply on your booking form will be used to create your conference badge. If you find any of the details you supplied to be incorrect, please contact IATEFL Head Office. Changes to your badge information after 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025 will incur administrative charges (see section 5).
k. Delegates must wear their badge at all times to be given access to the venue and session rooms. If you lose, damage or forget your badge whilst at the conference, please go to the Registration Desk where we will be able to print you a replacement. This will incur a £10 reprint fee.
l. Only the named delegate can collect their badge. Badges may not be used by anyone other than the named delegate to gain access to sessions and events.
m. If the named delegate is not able to attend, the badge cannot be transferred to another individual unless notice is given to IATEFL Head Office by 26 March 2025. Administrative charges will apply for such changes (see section 5).
n. IATEFL undertakes to let delegates know of any and all updates and changes to information about the event. It is the responsibility of the delegate to inform IATEFL of any change of contact information, including email address. This should be done by emailing conference@iatefl.org. Any interruption in communication caused by a delegate changing their details, or not checking their emails, shall be the responsibility and liability of the delegate.
o. By booking for this event the participant is agreeing to abide by IATEFL’s Code of Conduct. IATEFL reserves the right to refuse access or request your removal from the conference, without refund of fees, if IATEFL considers your presence and/or behaviour to create a disruption or to hinder the conference and/or the enjoyment of the conference by other attendees including for example (but not limited to) concerns regarding health and safety, security, drugs and alcohol misuse.
p. IATEFL, and other approved media, bloggers and press, will take photographs, videos, screenshots and recordings of any or all parts of the conference, and may use, reproduce and/or publish in any way whatsoever (without any payment being due to you) any photographs and/or video/audio that may pertain to you (including your image, likeness and/or your voice) and that we may licence others to do the same. You agree that such material may be used in our publications and online for marketing and other related purposes.
q. If you are a member of the media, a reporter, podcaster or blogger attending the conference in that capacity and intend to use images and/or videos for the use of media, including on your own social media, you should adhere to the IATEFL media policy.
r. Delegates are welcome to take their own photos throughout the Conference, but please be aware that filming in sessions will not be allowed without consent from both IATEFL and the presenter(s). If you post images on social media and blogs please take care to give proper attribution.

3. Pre-Conference Events (PCEs)

a. The terms listed in sections 1 and 2 also apply to PCE delegates.
b. PCE places are limited and your place is not guaranteed until full payment has been received.
c. Provisional bookings where full payment has not been made will be removed two weeks before the close of booking unless IATEFL receives confirmation that payment will be made in full on-site. In such circumstances this will be taken as a commitment to make payment for the booking, whether the participant is able to attend or not.
d. A PCE booking may be changed for an alternative PCE, subject to availability and the administrative charges listed in section 5. Changes to your PCE attendance must be requested by 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025. Changes can only be made to an event with the same booking cost as the one you originally registered to attend. For example, an in person PCE booking can move to another in person PCE, or an online PCE booking can move to an alternative online PCE.
e. If you are participating as an online delegate at a PCE which is being offered online as well as to in-person delegates:
1. IATEFL is not liable for any technical problems you may have during the event.
2. You will be provided with a recording of the event if one is made.
3. Whilst every effort will be made to provide a stable and effective experience for virtual delegates, IATEFL cannot guarantee that technical issues will not arise during the event, but will endeavour to reduce these to a minimum and resolve any issues as they arise. IATEFL cannot be held liable for any delegate plans, commitments or activities which may be affected as a result of unintended technical difficulties during the event.
4. If you have booked to attend a PCE as a face to face delegate and the PCE is also being run with online attendees, you will be provided with these access details. No refunds will be provided for those who have paid to attend in person and subsequently attend online.
5. If you have booked to attend an online PCE and then attend in person you will not be allowed admission to the venue.

4. Conference Speakers

a. For additional terms and conditions relating to conference speakers, please refer to the Speaker Guidelines 

5. Changes to your booking

a. Changes when a payment has been made:
1. If you need to make a change to your badge information you must put your request in writing to IATEFL Head Office by 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025. After this date, changes to your badge information can only be made onsite with an administrative charge.
Change to your badge information (name or workplace)
Before 26 March 2025 - No charge
After 26 March 2025 - £10 - Onsite payment only

2. If you need to make a change to your booking information you must put your request in writing to IATEFL Head Office by 16:00 (UK time) on 26 March 2025, administrative charges apply. After this date, changes to your booking information cannot be made.
Change of Pre-Conference Event
Before 26 March 2025 - £10
After 26 March 2025 - Cannot be changed
Change of delegate (where the delegate can no longer attend, and another will come in their place)
Before 26 March 2025 - £10
After 26 March 2025 - Cannot be changed

3. All administrative charges must be paid in full before admittance to any conference sessions or events.

b. Changes when a payment has not been made:

1. If no payment has been made for your booking, no administrative charges will be incurred.

6. Cancellations, Refunds and Insurance

a. If your booking is a deferral from a previous conference you are no longer entitled to a refund.
b. All other conference and/or PCE booking cancellations received for any reason, including travel disruption or an unsuccessful visa application, on or before 26 February 2025 will incur a 50% cancellation charge on any fees paid.
c. Conference and/or PCE booking cancellations for any reason, including travel disruption or an unsuccessful visa application, received after 26 February 2025 will not be refunded.
d. Any cancellation or refund requests must be made in writing to IATEFL Head Office.
e. IATEFL holds no liability should a specific event or session within the conference be cancelled.
f. If your chosen PCE is cancelled you will be offered a transfer of your booking to another available PCE of your choice or a full refund of your PCE fees.
g. Fees paid for the IATEFL Conference may not be used to cover any other IATEFL fees.
h. IATEFL cannot provide refunds, or be held liable for any costs incurred, due to a Coronavirus event, or other transmissible virus or disease causing an epidemic or pandemic that prevents, postpones, cancels or delays any bookings, sales or refunds by IATEFL under this agreement and other contracts with third parties, or performance of any obligations by IATEFL under this contract, including (but not limited to) losses and disruptions which caused such delay or postponement of sale, bookings or refunds.
Such effects are outside of the control of IATEFL. A Coronavirus Event is an event or delay caused by, or arising from or in relation to the Coronavirus (being Covid19/ SARS-COV2 Coronavirus or any mutation or development thereof).
i. Without limitation to any other provision of this agreement IATEFL shall not be in breach of this agreement nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under this agreement, or obliged to provide refunds if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control. In such circumstances it shall at its sole discretion be entitled to reschedule to an alternate date or to transfer the event online.
j. IATEFL recommends that all delegates purchase appropriate insurance to cover their conference trip as well as any losses, changes or cancellations. IATEFL cannot be held liable for any such issues.

7. Children and young people 

a. IATEFL recognises and wishes to support the needs of parents with nursing babies when attending the IATEFL Conference. As such, parents with nursing babies may bring them to the conference venue. The baby must not be brought into academic sessions; and must be attended to at all times, either by the delegate, or by another responsible adult whilst the delegate is attending a session. Any such responsible adult should register at the Information Desk and will be provided with a specific pass permitting them to be on site (but not to attend sessions) but will not be required to pay.
b. If a private space is required for breastfeeding, please inform IATEFL and we will make one available for you.
c. Other than for nursing babies, children under the age of 18 are not permitted to attend the IATEFL Conference and Exhibition which is a professional event intended to meet the needs of adult English language teaching professionals. The conference is planned, safeguarded and risk assessed on this basis. The only exception to this is for an under-18 who has been specifically invited to contribute to an academic session within the conference by IATEFL. 
d. IATEFL provides information on any suitable registered childcare options available in the locality of the conference venue, as listed by the local authority. It is the responsibility of the delegate to make such arrangements.

8. Delegates with disabilities

a. We take the needs of any who are disabled or who have other access requirements very seriously. However, it is your responsibility to check with the venue that your access requirements can be met. If you have other requirements, please do contact us to discuss whether additional provision can be made available. Such provision will be at the discretion of IATEFL and may incur an additional charge.

9. Privacy Policy

a. Any personal information submitted on your booking form will be used by IATEFL in accordance with the IATEFL Privacy Policy
b. If you ticked the box to opt-in to ‘Please indicate whether you are happy for IATEFL to pass on your Conference Booking details to our gold sponsors to be contact for marketing purposes and promotional opportunities.’, you agree for IATEFL to pass on your Conference Registration Details to the sponsor and for them to contact you directly.  At this point IATEFL is no longer the responsible body for your data.
c. If you allow your delegate badge to be scanned by a third-party exhibitor during the IATEFL Conference, you agree for IATEFL to pass on your Conference Registration Details to the exhibitor and for them to contact you directly. At this point IATEFL is no longer the responsible body for your data.

10. Loss or damage suffered by you

a. We are responsible to you for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to any products. We are not responsible for damage to your property.

11. Acceptance 

a. When you register for tickets you confirm that you and all persons included in the registration have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

IATEFL reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. All enquiries relating to these terms and conditions should be directed to: conference@iatefl.org